Code Of Ethics

Code Of Ethics

The members of ANA Group pledge in writing to abide by the company’s Code of Ethics.

Their adherence to the code signifies voluntary assumption of self-discipline above the requirements of law. Key provisions of the Code specify that ANA employees and independent contractors shall:


Show high levels of self-discipline at all times while both on and off duty
Not use alcohol while on duty and not over indulge in alcohol while off duty such that it will affect their performance on duty the following day
Not use any illegal, narcotic or non-prescribed drugs at any time nor refuse a drug test for the purpose of detecting them. Any breach of this code will be grounds for automatic dismissal
Not take any flagrant or undue risks in the performance of their duties nor at any time expose themselves or others unnecessarily to undue danger. This includes when operating in hostile environments, minimizing movement for mission-only or authorized purposes
Adhere to all published and promulgated Standard Operating Procedures and Drills
Conduct all operations within the bounds of legality, morality and professional ethics
Respect the rights and freedoms of all people and not harass any person on any grounds of gender, race, religion or creed


Conduct operations professionally with honesty, sincerity, integrity, fidelity, morality and good conscience in all dealings with clients
Serve our clients with integrity, competence, and objectivity, using a professional approach at all times, and placing the best interests of the client above all others
Treat all client information that is not public knowledge as confidential, prevent it from access by unauthorized people, and not take advantage of proprietary or privileged information, either for use by them, their firm or another client, without the client’s permission
Shall avoid conflicts of interest, or the appearance of such, and will disclose to a client any circumstances or interests that might influence their judgment and objectivity
Refrain from inviting an employee of an active or inactive client to consider alternative employment without the prior discussion with the client
Preserve forever the client’s confidence under any and all circumstances consistent with law and deal justly and impartially with each situation with each individual, irrespective of social, political, racial, ethnic, or religious considerations, economic status or physical characteristics
Counsel clients against any illegal or unethical course of action


Only accept assignments which they possess the expertise to perform, and will only assign staff with the requisite expertise
Withdraw from a job or assignment when their objectivity or integrity may be impaired


Respect the individual and corporate rights of clients and consulting colleagues, and will not use proprietary information or methodologies without permission
Represent the organization with integrity and professionalism in their relation with their clients, colleagues and the general public