Quality Control

Quality control

ANA Group has established, documented, and implemented a Quality Management System which is continuously maintained for effectiveness and process improvements in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2008. It is not a stand-alone system, but is integrated within ANA’s operating discipline which encompasses the policies, requirements, and work processes of Environment, Health, Safety, Manufacturing, Human Resources and Quality. Developed and endorsed by company management, the QMS ensures that customers receive quality, reliability and integrity in the products and services ANA provides them and that customers’ needs and requirements are met. The QMS calls for precise adherence to specifications, as well as legal and quality requirements. Product quality is maintained through systems of standardization and process control. Service quality covers all aspects of customer transactions and is ensured by the function that is providing the service

Quality Policy

ANA Group is committed to the highest level of Quality in the construction, manufacture, procurement, sale and support of our products. Product Quality, compliance to all applicable regulatory requirements, continuous improvement and customer satisfaction underlies all of our efforts in development, manufacturing, advertising, sales, shipping and technical support.

Executive Management ensures that the Quality Policy is communicated to all employees. It is included in the new employee orientation and training on the QMS. It is posted in prominent places throughout the facility to maintain high standards within the organization.
Executive Management reviews the Quality Policy at each management review meeting to determine the Policy’s continuing suitability for the organization.
ANA’s Quality Policy was developed by the Quality Council to communicate ANA’s commitment to Quality and meeting customer requirements. It is considered appropriate by Senior Management. The Quality Policy is revalidated at each Management Review meeting.
ANA is committed to gratifying and astonishing customers’ with our customer service excellence, order accuracy and on-time delivery. This is accomplished through our commitment to continual improvement of our processes, services, products and our people.